Webtimeclock Blog

Donating PTO hours, an act of kindness

Nov 17, 2022
In a world that streams constant, depressing news, occasionally something happens that makes you smile.

Earlier this month, one of our customers asked an unusual question. Can an employee donate their available balance of PTO hours to another employee?

My reaction was… huh?

Turns out that one of their team members was in need, so another team member stepped up to sacrifice 40 hours of their own available PTO hours to help.

Today, a different team member stepped up to sacrifice 16 hours of their available PTO to the same person. A total of 56 hours as a gift.

Just amazing.

We don’t know the reason, and we aren’t going to ask. No matter how you look at it, it’s purely an act of kindness.

So, can this be done in Webtimeclock? Yes, absolutely. Just make the necessary adjustments to the accrual settings for both parties.

Good for those who donated. Who knows, maybe you can help someone too.

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Webtimeclock is an online time clock plus optional online payroll. Have questions? Contact our support team, or call us at 1-800-450-2692. Sign up today for your free 15-day trail. We are located in San Diego (Carlsbad), CA USA.