Webtimeclock features

Holiday hours

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Enter the Holiday Name, Date, and Hours to be paid

Webtimeclock offers an easy way to enter paid holidays. You first enter the holiday name and date, select who should receive it, then click Update Timesheets.

Here is how it works. If for example your company pays for Thanksgiving Day as a paid holiday, enter the name Thanksgiving, select the date, and the number of hours you are compensating such as 8 hours. By clicking Add, it is now saved.

Since it is possible not all employees are eligible for the paid holiday, select the employees that are eligible. When ready, click Update Timesheets.

Now all eligible employees have the paid holiday on their timesheets. If you make a mistake, you can select or deselect an employee and click Update Timesheets again to make it right.

Since we don't follow any predefined national holidays, you can enter any name and date you wish, for example even a birthday could be a holiday for an individual.

Webtimeclock is an online time clock plus optional online payroll. Have questions? Contact our support team, or call us at 1-800-450-2692. Sign up today for your free 15-day trail. We are located in San Diego (Carlsbad), CA USA.