Webtimeclock features

Auto lunch deduction

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Automatically deducts unpaid breaks.

The main purpose of auto lunch deduction is to avoid having employees clock out for lunch. This way, they clock in to start their shift, then out to end their shift. It can make things easier.

Another benefit is keeping lunch breaks the same each workday. For example 30 minutes, or 60 minutes.

The setting works by deciding how many hours should elapse before a lunch break is deducted. Then, decide how many minutes should be deducted. Webtimeclock calculates the timesheet based on that rule.

Webtimeclock also displays the deducted minutes on the timesheet as negative hours. This helps explain how the total hours were calculated.

If you use this, please be sure employees are able to take their full lunch break.

Webtimeclock is an online time clock plus optional online payroll. Have questions? Contact our support team, or call us at 1-800-450-2692. Sign up today for your free 15-day trail. We are located in San Diego (Carlsbad), CA USA.